"Your dreams at night are potent fields of creativity, understanding and wisdom." Adamus-St. Germain, 2011. DREAMING WORLDS AWAKE - this new book by Esme Ellis is; ’Her best yet!’ Prepare to be inspired, challenged and amazed as you walk through these pages in the presence of Ascended Masters, with a miscellany of gods and goddesses, birds, beasts and shaman. Drawn from her personal experience this book offers you new perspectives on your spiritual journey, where the thread which unites the whole is the transformative power and magic of dreams. "A delightful collection of poetry, stories and reflections ... all written from the heart ... An experience beyond words, for me. I doubt anyone could read this and not be touched or have something awakened in them." Marisa Calvi, author. "Opening your heart and your creativity ... sharing it with the world .. this is the mark of the New Energy teacher. I bow to you, and thank you for letting me be be a part of it." Kuthumi Lal Singh, Ascended Master.