The Girl who wanted a horse tells the story of a young girl who loved horses and wanted one of her own. Susan Tindell, known by her relations and friends as Suzie came from an ordinary family, typical of the nineteen eighties. They were not poor but at the same time were certainly not in any way rich. Providing the family lived within their means they could enjoy a relatively comfortable life. It did mean though that young Suzie would never own that horse she had always dreamed about. That is unless in the future she married a rich man or carved out a good career for herself. Until then her dreams would have to satisfy her wishes and she resigned herself to be a horse lover rather than a horse owner. It was shortly before her fifteenth birthday that a life changing occurrence could be taking place. It was the sight of her grandfather secretly delivering a bale of hay to a building at her parent’s cottage. Suzie Tindell became very excited. Was she about to become a proud owner of the horse she had so desperately wished for?