Glen Sample (born 1948) is a native Southern Californian, who has spent many years researching and writing about the assassination of JFK. His book, ’The Men on the Sixth Floor’ has become a research standard among those who have engaged themselves in JFK assassination research - at all levels. His research and collection of documents in relation to the Kennedy murder was used in Nigel Turner’s ’Guilty Men’ documentary that was broadcast nationwide on the History Channel for one evening in 2003, and then suddenly banned from further showings. This sudden turn of events only heightened the interest in his work, which today is available in a revised version with two new chapters on the Kindle format. He has recently written his first novel "Tanner’s Lottery" - available now on Kindle. Tanner Riley is an actuary at a large insurance company. His lifelong love of numbers and all things mathematical is what led to his research into the number patterns that seem to develop in lottery games. Putting his research into action in the California SuperLotto, Tanner and his team of 4 won $85 million. Tanner’s lottery windfall experience will resonate with anyone who has ever fantasized "what I would do if I won the lottery" - but what happens when his formula reaches the ears of Carlos "Fat Man" Flores - a member of a Mexican drug cartel?