Whether you are an entrepreneur, an employee or a seasoned business owner, the way customers engage with you has totally changed. Therefore, a company's brand worthiness is up to every single person connected with the brand. This book transforms the traditional notions of a business that backs a product or an employee who is backed by a company. Instead it offers transitional ideas and suggestions that realign the business, the business professional and the product side by side, thus creating a multi-dimensional relationship with the customer, the product, the business and the business professional. To earn the trust of the marketplace, you must get out front and stand beside the brand and bring the full wealth of experience from your journey to add optimal credibility to all that you have to offer.
If you’re reinventing yourself or motivating your workforce for better customer relationship management (CRM), this book will show you how to be the brand beside the brand, without compromising the importance or integrity of the product itself, or the company with whom the product is associated. The Brand Beside The Brand provides valuable insight to help you move past perceived obstacles in order to diversify your marketing & communications strategies, while identifying the hidden assets that can provide great value to your business or personal brand.