The Book of Answers is full of poems that answer other poems and other poets, some famous, some not, some serious, some not. Along the way, five of the poems have been nominated for major awards, and the book itself is currently a nominee for the Elgin Award (for the second time). Poets addressed include Dorothy Parker, Don Sheller, Sharon Olds, Timons Esaias, Andrew Marvell, William Shakespeare, Geoffrey Landis, Mary Turzillo, David Clink, Oscar Wilde, Carolyn Clink, Robert Frost, Dan Sicoli, Clive Doucet, e.e. cummings, Alan Katerinsky, Bruce Boston, and many more. About half the poems include some speculative element of fantasy, science fiction, or horror. There are forty three poems in all, thirty appearing for the first time, and four of which have been nominated for the Rhysling Award as best speculative poem of 2014 and another was nominated for the Dwarf Star Award as best short short speculative poem of the year.
Herb Kauderer is an associate professor of English at Hilbert College. He won the 2008 Ewaipanoma Sonnet Contest and the 1998 WorldCon Poetry Slam and has been nominated for many other writing accolades. Theis book includes an introduction by Mary Turzillo who has won the Nebula Award for short fiction, and the Elgin Award for poetry.