Souls of Fire is a story of four friends: John Graham, Kurt Bowden, Jerry Rawlings and Henry Burke, four artists who grew up in a city where its expected that you graduate from school, get married, go to work in the factories, be thankful if you could get a life at least as good as your old man had and never think youre worth any more than that. In an unflinching, street-level style, Souls of Fire chronicles the four as they enter their “Summer of Destiny” where they find their lives at the point where they must decide whether to risk it all for their dreams knowing they are promised nothing, or stay in the safety of a life lived by their fathers before them. Souls of Fire is a story written for artists just starting out, those who have tried, those who live everyday lives wondering if it's not too late. In the end its a story about that part of us that still raises its fist and refuses to be bound.