Brian W. Kelly retired as an Assistant Professor in the Business Information Technology (BIT) program at Marywood University, where he also served as the IBM i and midrange systems technical advisor to the IT faculty. Kelly has designed, developed, and taught many college and professional courses. He is also a contributing technical editor to a number of IT industry magazines, including "The Four Hundred" and "Four Hundred Guru" published by IT Jungle. On the patriotic side, you once could find a patriotic Kelly article at This site no longer functions but the articles are still hosted at Kelly is a former IBM Senior Systems Engineer and he has been a candidate for US Congress and the US Senate from Pennsylvania. He has an active information technology consultancy. He is the author of 70 books and numerous articles. Kelly is a frequent speaker at National Conferences, and other technical conferences. When Brian wrote Can the AS/400 Survive IBM in 2004, it was his 21st book. Over the past twenty years, Brian Kelly has become one of America’s most outspoken and eloquent technical authors. Besides this book, his titles about IBM include Chip Wars; Whatever Happened to the IBM AS/400, Thank You IBM: The story of how IBM helped today’s technology billionaires and millionaires gain their vast fortunes, The All-Everything Machine, The All-Everything Operating System. Besides these, many other Kelly books are available at