Augustus G. Van Slyke is a married father of three living in Scottsdale, Arizona, who has worked in the field of communications for over thirty years. A life member of the Military Order of the Purple Heart, he served in Vietnam in 1968-1969 with the Twenty-Fifth Infantry Division. Van Slyke is a member of PROTECT, a national pro-child, anti-crime association founded on the belief that our first and most sacred obligation as parents, citizens, and members of the human species is to protect children. He has previously participated in the Big Brothers Big Sisters program. He also volunteers his service in hospice work.
Inspired by events in his own life, as well as by headlines and years of research, Van Slyke has thus far penned three books: I. "Angels Never Lie", a memoir. II. "Digging Up Bones", a novel. III. "Finding Maggie’s Bliss" book two, a follow-up to "Digging Up bones".