Our young people are being targeted like never before in history. They are facing challenges & are exposed to more evils than any generation before them. GOD’S ARMOR & ARSENAL is for this specific time in history. With GOD’S ARMOR & ARSENAL, there is no need for our young people to feel scared, anxious or confused. Never again will they feel inadequate or not enough. They will march boldly into each day knowing they belong to God & have the entire Kingdom of Heaven backing them. They are heirs of God, friends of God, kings & queens, mighty warriors & God’s Ambassadors! They are more than enough!
Through a dynamic, twelve-week adventure, each young person will discover that they are children of the most high God, loved beyond measure & made beautifully in the likeness of a mighty God. They will realize the power, protection & countless blessings that are available to them through learning & obeying God’s word. GOD’S ARMOR & ARSENAL will teach them how to put on the full Armor of God each day & how to effectively & efficiently wield the weapons God has provided for them in their spiritual arsenal. GOD’S ARMOR & ARSENAL will cultivate a love for God’s word through demonstrating how the Bible isn’t just a set of rules, but the Living Word of God that can be used to bless them & win every spiritual battle so they can occupy every good & wonderful thing God has prepared for them.
HOW TO USE THIS BOOK: The next twelve weeks are divided into twelve phases based on Ephesians 6:10-20. Each phase is divided into the following fun, easy to use, challenging & exciting elements:
- BATTLE PREP: A special element just for you, the leader of young warriors, which will help prepare your heart & mind for each service.
- WEAPONS ASSIGNMENT: This is our Bible verse & each new Bible verse that we learn is another weapon added to our arsenal.
- COMBAT TRAINING: A powerful message from the Bible that illustrates how spiritual battles are won with God’s word.
- RECONNAISSANCE: A deeper look inside the message that will initiate engaging conversation & thought.
- THE OBJECTIVE: A fun & easy illustration or object lesson that demonstrates the newly assigned weapon.
- WEAPONS INSPECTION: This is where we take a closer look at our weapon & learn how to use it in our daily lives. We will also discuss the specific piece of armor Paul was analogizing in Ephesians 6.
- THE MISSION: Take home papers that will encourage & challenge young warriors to apply God’s word to their daily lives.
Move through the elements above in each weekly phase. Each element is focused on & derived from the newly assigned weapon from God’s word. This will allow you to familiarize yourself with your weapon, see it demonstrated in action & learn how to use it effectively.