Timothy Brannan is a Viet-Nam veteran novelist, poet, composer, and painter born in Raleigh, North Carolina. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in English and Philosophy and a Master of Arts in Literature and Writing from North Carolina State University. Both as an undergraduate and a graduate student he was mentored by the late Dr. Guy Owen (Ballad of the Flim-Flam Man, Journey for Joedel, The White Stallion and Other Poems). With Guy’s help, he submitted the first pioneering creative writing Master’s thesis ever accepted at North Carolina State University nearly thirty years before the university established an official writing program. Timothy later earned an Ed.S. from Appalachian State University and a Juris Doctor from Florida State University. Much of THE END is rooted in Timothy’s personal experiences in fighting what he has often referred to as the two wars of the sixties: The Vietnam war and the counterculture war. You may contact Timothy Brannan or the Publisher at info@geminipublish.com.