Lorelei was educated in a two-room school in a tiny poor rural town, then graduated from a small high school in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan in a class of 15. Divorced, with no business training, this single mom went on to become a serial entrepreneur, #1 best-selling author, and sought-after speaker on leadership and innovation. Only 1.8% of businesses owned by women ever reach a million in revenues, and Lorelei created two enterprises that did. She built an award-winning craft village tourist attraction from scratch in an astounding five weeks and five days. She started, in her basement, a candle company that grew to selling to 6,000 stores. Her businesses greatly impacted her poor rural county with millions in revenues, hundreds of employees, and a half million tourism visitors. Lorelei is a MN Woman Business Owner of the Year, and was inducted into the MN Women Business Owners Hall of Fame. She received the Governor’s Entrepreneurship Award, and the National Association of Women Business Owners Vision Award. A question she always got when speaking, however, was "How could you do everything you did as a single mom raising two kids--didn’t you feel guilty?" And thus this book was born, giving practical advice on how to raise good kids even if you’re super busy!