Pat Brill creates empowering coaching connections that build strong and successful managers. From sourcing to hiring and on to effective evaluation and connective communication strategies, Pat brings 20 years of experience directly to your management goals. After earning the highest certification possible in her field Sr. Professional of Human Resources, Pat has dedicated her life to inspiring team leaders and managers. Pat’s extensive work with managers of teams and projects of all kinds has given her a unique perspective on what works for a manager’s success. Combining her own management, leadership and coaching experience, Pat has broken down the key success strategies she’s collected into a new series of up-to-the-minute guides for the professional manager. She believes that a successful business and productive team requires flexible, nimble and practical, not theoretical, interpersonal management strategies. While there has been a lot of information available to team leaders and mangers on business systems, what Pat finds is that managers often feel unsupported and unskilled in the "human quotient" elements-communication, connection and other invaluable skills necessary for building a productive and proactive professional relationship. Nowhere are these interpersonal elements more important than between a manager and his or her team! In this new series of "virtual coaching" guides Pat takes the successful methods she’s employed in her one-on-one coaching and consulting work and puts it in the palm of your hand! Here you will find the reenergizing and refocusing strategies you need whether you are leading a startup, an established corporate team, or anything in between. Don’t leave your success up to chance, corporate theory or haphazard processes! Empower your own management transformation in order to build the best systems possible with the coaching connection Pat Brill offers. To learn more about her training, "virtual coaching guides" or other services visit