Oh, taste and see the good fruit of God’s fig tree!
The Tree of Life Biblical Teaching Series is a unique Christian Bible study program for people of all ages. It is based on the Christian Holy Scriptures, with inspiration drawn from the parables of Matthew 13 and the fruitful fig tree. Students will study (eat) lessons (figs) that contain Scripture (seeds). "Figs" are grouped into workbooks (pods) with related themes in "bite-sized" portions that are stand-alone or supplemental Bible study materials. Each fig is designed to "feed" people at every level of spiritual growth. Along with concise teachings that get to the heart of today’s concerns and the truth of God’s Word, are simple exercises and activities to help identify and address spiritual strengths and weaknesses. Say "Goodbye" to "same old, same old" and "Hello" to fresh insights you can relate to! The program is designed to be used in the home, a classroom setting or as a stand-alone or supplemental Bible study program. Whether you are a "seedling" (new believer), "sapling" (growing in faith) or a "veteran" (tried and true elder), you will find spiritual good fruit in these teachings. Grab your Bible today and take a bite of this fun, easy-to-understand program designed with love and guided by Holy Spirit-filled, seasoned teachers with advanced degrees in pastoral ministry and theology (and life). As a bonus, lessons are in 14-point type for easy reading. Come see what God’s Word has for you today. Be transformed in your faith and in every area of your life.