The Dream Continues: Thoughts From An American Journey is a collection of extraordinary stories and essays of how two American teenagers from a small coal and steel town in western Pennsylvania went on to participate in some of America’s most pivotal turning points of the 20th Century including the reconstruction of Europe after WWII, the rebuilding of a war ravaged South Korea, the stress and strain of the cold war, the handling of racial unrest, the struggle for civil rights, plus two tours of duty in South Vietnam, and serving under three presidents. You’ll laugh, cry, and nod your head in agreement as you relate to the exploits and challenges this duo encountered and mastered along the way.
General Curry once again delivers a highly recommended, 5 – star worthy read. It is an engaging and uplifting work from an “Old School American Patriot’s viewpoint.” It is a tale that celebrates the greatness of America as exemplified through genealogy starting with European colonial descendants, to white plantation owners, to Native Americans and African slaves. It honors and memorializes the fruit of our cherished “American Dream,” realized via the foundation of the nation’s most revolutionary and defining ideals such as liberty, justice, freedom to pursue hard work and education, fortitude, and faith to overcome hardship while seeking after righteousness.
The ideals and ideas which make up the fabric of America, are memorialized and affirmed in this heartwarming and inspirational story. General Curry is the quintessential American hero – the consummate fulfillment of the hopes and dreams of our European, Native American, and African American forefathers. Once more General Curry must be congratulated for a fine work and for his unusual genealogical telling of this great American story. May it inspire all Americans and keep the flames of freedom alive and burning in our hearts and in the heart of our nation.