產品特色 :
1. 本書獲2009新一代數位媒體金獎
2. 附英語發音之動畫光碟。
3. 全英文繪本,以有趣插圖教導孩子英語發音可能的錯誤。
內容簡介: Miss Pronunciation(可譯為發音小姐或發音錯誤二種意思)就是花音小姐,她活潑可愛,但是常常花(發)錯音,一個不一樣的發音,就能帶你走上不同的旅程。
當她說It’s a sick book,你會想原來書也會生病啊,那有沒有書醫生呢,可是原來她想說的是 A thick book ,還有當她說Let’s Pray,你會以為要開始祈禱,但其實她是說Let’s Play…,跟著花音小姐的旅程就是充滿著這麼多驚喜!
Miss pronunciation is a fun house mirror for words. In this book you can actually see how mispronounced words twist the original meaning and make fun of themselves, as Miss Pronunciation makes a thick book ‘sick,’ shrinks a law school into a ‘low school,’ and spins a tiger’s fangs into ‘fans.’
Readers will be tickled by the funny twists and award-winning illustrations, while English teachers may find fresh ideas for teaching pronunciation.
作者簡介:Jessie Huang 美國克萊蒙研究大學教育博士,現任國立雲林科技大學應用外語系主任;著 Folktales from Taiwan (書林出版)。
繪者簡介:Jo-Chiao Wang.Shin-Yu Chen 國立雲林科技大學數位媒體設計系畢業。
Rex Chen 現任國立雲林科技大學數位媒體設計系講師。
Jessie Huang teaches children's literature at YunTech University in Taiwan. She is also the chapter advisor for the SCBWI Taiwan (Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators). Her passion for language and story propels her to constantly cross the borders between academic and creative writing. Besides writing and teaching, she paints, tells stories, and enjoys life with her family and friends.
Miriam Wang ‧Riva Chen graduated from the Department of Digital Media Design, YunTech University in Taiwan.
Rex Chen is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Digital Media Design,
YunTech University in Taiwan. He has written over thirty books on painting and digital media design.