Craig Daliessio is an author and speaker and a dad. Once a highly successful mortgage banker, Craig lost his home...and his career...when the industry collapsed in 2008. In the years that followed, he returned to college, earning his Bachelors in Religion from Liberty University, penning three books, and two blogs, and beginning his Seminary studies. All these achievements were commendable enough on their own...except Craig did this while living in his car. His fight to remain an active father in his daughter’s life forced him to make the hard decision to remain in Nashville where he could find no work...but where he could be the devoted dad he has always been. The author of "Harry Kalas Saved My Life" and "A Ragamuffin Christmas" adds "Remembering America...Looking Back at the Last Innocent Age" to his list of critically acclaimed works. Craig’s writing reflects his journey...full of Faith amidst doubt. Optimism amidst fear. Devotion to family and the deep desire to share his love of a well-crafted page that touches a heart and brings a tear or a smile...or both. He is a gifted speaker and amateur hockey player and loving father. A native Philadelphian who currently resides in Nashville, Craig’s literary voice has been compared to Brennan Manning and Gene Hill.