Within the fiery crucible of the abyss of time I was conceived. From that sticky, and unwashed oblivion emerged the man that clawed his way to the bottom rung of the ladder of life. From there, only up was the clear choice, and it is to that second rung that I pulled myself up to. Through heroic trials and burnt offerings, a muse came to mind, and with it the passion to put ink to paper. Unfortunately, skill did not follow, and again I scampered from inspiration to jarring reality, barely clinging to the rung. That’s when hard work, divine intervention, and blind luck came together to shape I the lump of clay into what I think to be an author. But, it is not up to I to determine the outcome of all my hard work. It is up to the reader - for without those critical and ever hungry eyes prying over each word, my self-worth would be naught. Therefore, take this un to me, that you are the biography of the author, for it is you who will tell the tale of my success or failure.