Many people arrive in country without going through normal channels, clearly-marked routes or official scrutiny. Certain parts of the country lend themselves to unusual methods of entry. Madelaine and Ian, arriving together but with separate missions, take a route that would almost seem normal, if the arrangements weren't made by a spy organization and a mob family. After they part, never to meet again, their paths cross and Madelaine learns that her quarry is connected to Ian's problem. While comparing notes, the attractive Madelaine discovers Ian is indeed handsome, as well as unattached. She worries about his intentions and fears her emotions. After a brush with death they discover they must each finish their now-closely-tied missions back in Italy. But passion fuels their desire to finish their jobs and see if they can carve out a future built upon their smoldering love. A return brings them closer to danger and death, and allows them a peek across another border which holds their future happiness