Jason McWhirter lives in University Place Washington with his wife, Jodi, two dogs, Meadow and Macalan, and their two cats. He has been teaching history for eighteen years and most of those years were filled with coaching wrestling, soccer, and directing drama plays for his school. When he is not working and hanging out with friends and family he enjoys working out, traveling, fly fishing, and of course, writing. His love for fantasy started young and many middle school evenings were spent reading late into the night following adventurers as they test their courage and strength against evil foes. He played dungeons and dragons, video games, anything where he could lose himself in the wonders of another world. This desire and craving to be immersed in worlds of magic and steel where anything is possible drove him to write his first fantasy book, The Cavalier, part one of The Cavalier series. He hopes to continue to teach and write and maybe one day create heroes and legends full time.