圖書名稱:Do it Myself, Refrigeration Preventative Maintenance and Troubleshooting
A handy and easy manual for all sorts of refrigeration preventative maintenance or troubleshooting situations. From home hvac units to basic refrigerators to refrigerated pizza tables to walk-ins. Lots of quick and to-the-point answers for those unfamiliar or with little knowledge of refrigeration. Your system not cooling and its quickly warming your product? Find out the answer in a flash and save the product. Learn easy ways to keep your refrigeration running smoothly, that HVAC companies don't want you to know. Service people may not have nice things to say, as this manual will cut into their hours and save you money. This manual, in most cases is tax-deductible, as it is used to save energy in your home or business and its' business uses. You will save several hundreds of dollars just by using this manual once. Simply give the receipt to your tax person and its free.