We are all different, and leaders in America have to recognize that what worked 20 or 30 years ago is not going to work today. The people being led are different, and the leaders are different. We are muscling our way through health pandemics, the extremes of social unrest, political warfare and climate change. How do we behave as great leaders in such challenging times? Greatness Is What Greatness Does explains in great detail why success is far more than an exercise in simply reading about and attempting to repeat the patterns of others. Imagine being a great leader just for a moment. While holding the image of your greatness vividly in your mind, realize that there is only one you and there can be no one else like you. This also means that you cannot be anyone else, despite your wildest aspirations. You have your own unique reference, opinions, principles and perceptions when you embark upon any attempt of self-development and self-evaluation. Now consider what principles could guide you to your greatness in leadership.