In Book Two of the Joe Dean series, Joe finds himself in France once again, this time leading a squad of Commandos on a mission to bring Hauptsturmfuhrer Richter to England to face trial for war crimes. From the moment they hit the beach the mission goes to hell. Forced to improvise, Joe and the nascent French Resistance formulate a plan that will take him far from the coast of France and into more danger than ever.
Rescued from a terrible fate by his former lover Yvette, the pair follow Richter to Paris and become enmeshed in a seedy underworld of black-market racketeers, gangs and corrupt SS officers, for whom everyone is an merely opportunity for exploitation. As the pressure rises on Joe he begins to question his devotion to his duty, but with the Gestapo closing in his options are limited, and he has to take drastic action to try to complete his mission.