An intriguing true story of a Manhattan family who discover the pending Sept 11th terrorist attack. They do all that they can to warn their beloved Manhattan about the attack. Only to find that they are now being hunted by the terrorists. Georgia Love's expose is laced with science and paranormal information that exposes H.A.A.R.P. A science creating weather extremes, earthquakes, hurricanes and more.
Synchronicity woven through the book shows how Spiritual influences guide and protect the people involved. An expose on World events including Lady Dianna’s death on Aug 31, 1997, Sept 11th terrorist attack, the 1% Money Scams on United States and Europe’s citizens.
Plus, Paranormal and Metaphysical concepts are revealed. Georgia proves that Spirit World is real and protect us in our daily lives. A cornucopia of spiritual concepts to amaze you throughout her book.