This book is a teen-discovers-monsters-her-town adventure tale that will likely appeal to a very select group of YA enthusiasts. And it's a small group. Trust me. Why? Because it is the farthest you can get from literature. In fact, it might even be the farthest you can get from good writing. Wait a minute. Why on earth would someone publish and sell such a thing (and why be honest about it)? Well, because people have weird and eclectic tastes. Some people like trashy novels and bad writing. If this is you, here are a few reasons you might be interested in this novel: 1) You're clamoring for something to complain about. You cry tears of criticism. You need to sit down and really tear apart some flawed story telling. Bad grammar. Poor character development. Obvious errors... Well you're in luck. This book has it all. It's for those of you who have just read too darn many good books lately. 2) You have $1.99 burning a hole in your e-pocket (and it's really burning so you need to get rid of it). 3) You just like bad writing. Plot lines that go nowhere. Passages that make no sense. You also like B movies (the long ones) and the knock-off substitute for Kraft Dinner (aka store brand mac and cheese). You probably have brightly colored faux fur slippers.