In 1988, at the tender age of twenty-two, Steve got his first big job in New York City working at the notorious Penthouse Magazine. Over the course of his eight years there he worked his way up from lowly production analyst to the role of budget director for Bob Guccione's entire enterprise. Penthouse was one of the most impressive magazine successes in the history of American publishing. Its demise was also one of the strangest. Somehow, Steve had a front row seat to one of the craziest corporate collapses the industry had ever seen.
"Steve Belanger is a great story teller. He is also very funny... there is nothing better than a funny story well told. That happens to be true." Henry Winkler - American icon
"Penthouse, it turns out, was way more insane as a business than it was a publisher of pornography. This is a graphic, disgusting, titillating story. Now I understand how a corporation crumbles. By hiring Steve." Joel Stein - writer, Time Magazine columnist, all-around bon vivant