Ojimbo, a young man from a small tribe in southern Africa, lands a position as a guest speaker at an English university. Ojimbo's journey to become a man requires that he leave behind his homeland, his tribe, and everything he ever knew, to discover more of the world. Traveling on the strength of his spirit, the encouraging words of his mother, and his sense of honor, Ojimbo explores what the larger world has to offer. Through stories of his homeland, and having played among elephants, Ojimbo intrigues all who meet him. They are willing to help the boy travel from one country to another so he can share his tales. Ojimbo has an amazing journey as he trails some elephants after a night of tragedy and with his journey emerges a stronger tale which he carries with him as he speaks to many people from country to country. Ojimbo carries his home continent on his narrow shoulders and does it with the warm memories of his friends and tribe he hopes to return home to.