Successful fundraising begins with a plan! Connie Pheiff, speaker, coach and author wrote this book in a series of The Art of the Ask to help nonprofit staff and experienced fundraising professionals excel in today’s tough fundraising environment. The nonprofit sector continues to be ravaged by changes-everything from scandals to the realignment of borders of national organizations. No matter what level you are in the organization, the information in this book will help you understand that Attitude + Passion = Results (A+P=R), and determine if you have the right attitude to be working in the nonprofit sector. The Art of the Ask is actually quite simple: - You make your ask. - You make your case. - You show the benefits. - Then you stop talking. The teachings and stories in this book can be read from different perspectives: current executive directors, aspiring executive directors, development officers, board members, and community stakeholders. Philanthropy giving is not disappearing. Giving simply looks different these days, and we need to be open to the ways of work. With change come new opportunities. The big change we’re realizing is that the world is much more flat and connected than we ever thought possible. This means you have greater opportunities to increase your fundraising efforts. Do you have the tools necessary to fundraise in your toolbox? I have been fundraising for years and have written telephone scripts and a letter or two or three... The telephone scripts and letters include getting the appointment, annual giving, special events, volunteer recruitment, sustainability, overdue pledges, and commitment. The letters in this book is just another element for your fundraising war chest.