Bethany’s love of storytelling has been a life-long passion. Even in her toddler years, she would sit down with anybody that would listen as she theatrically told them fairytales as if she was sharing life-saving information. As she grew, she began creating stories of her own, but convinced it would serve her best to follow a "conventional" career path, she tucked them away and went off to college. Fast forward four years and about six major changes later, she realized the stories simply were not going to stay tucked away. Six months away from graduating with a degree in Elementary Education, and growing more miserable with every day that brought her closer to a career she truly didn’t want, she finally realized writing was the only career that was going to make her happy. So, one day in the middle of a summer education course, she got up in the middle of class and walked to the Registrar’s office and withdrew from the university on the spot. Since then, she has devoted herself to writing full-time and is following her dreams. Bethany is the author of the Scottish, time-travel romance novels Morna’s Legacy Series, which includes the novels, Love Beyond Hope, Love Beyond Reason, and her debut novel, Love Beyond Time. She lives in the Texas Panhandle with her two loyal and perfect dogs.