An ordinary life...Everything in Daniel Coughlin’s life in Brooklyn has been comfortable. His Irish Catholic roots tie his extended family together in a close knot. His life is ordinary - but perfect.Until Daniel uncovers life-altering family secrets...A rift with his oldest son, Liam, threatens to ruin their family Christmas. Daniel’s elderly mother is emphatic that the box of WWII love letters hidden in her attic will solve the problem between him and Liam, but Daniel has no interest in reading them. What answers can fifty-year-old letters hold for him? The tension threatens to rip apart his family. Spurred by his mother’s insistence, and having no other choice, Daniel gives in and starts reading.And he’s stunned to learn that his family’s history isn’t so ordinary.What he learns flips his world upside down, shattering what he has always believed about his family’s history and his own. Instead of pulling the family back together, will these revelations push them farther apart?