Edward DeVito grew up on Staten Island, New York, and attended college at RPI/VCU in Richmond, Virginia from 1966-1969. His favorite studies were in English, History and Creative Writing. Love and identity issues in 1968 drove Edward to a period of experimentation that finally, serendipitously, and fortunately uncovered profound depth and significance in a visionary, transformative experience that flavors his outlook down to the present day, and is evident in his novels. As often happens, Edward’s first novel, THE WOODSTOCK PARADOX is variously biographical, with many of the events and characters in it drawn from life in his early, seeker years; finding his way across the broad length of America, in Edward’s case, Greenwich Village to Berkeley, Honolulu to the Haight, NE Vermont to Arizona, to Key West, again Arizona, and ultimately his beloved Oregon. Disclaimer: Some of the scenes in the story were toned down from what actually occurred in order to maintain its fictional integrity. The Angels of Light household on Page Street is derived from a period roughly one to two years later than their setting in the book.