The Warrior Trilogy takes place in a setting known as the Clan Home. It is a civilization similar to first century Rome. The story revolves around a warrior named Axiós. He grew up without his parents as they went missing when he was nine months old. Axiós is a dedicated follower of the Ancient One. He is the Creator God and his people worship him. The enemy is Kakó, a fallen angelic being who has sworn his total, undying hatred of the Ancient One. This first book, Warrior: Coming of Age is the story of how Axiós, a devoted follower of the Ancient One, discovers that being a man and serving his God is a many-faceted and at times, difficult and confusing process. After successfully training to be a full time warrior, a revelation of his identity and life purpose comes. He is selected for a mission that brings adventures and hard lessons. They show him manhood is far more than being equipped for physical warfare as he learns that becoming a man can be complicated.