Detective Hank Dooley is an average cop endowed with unique powers of intuition. Dooley battles insidious forces that threaten to tear apart the fabric of civilization that protects his great City from the chaos lurking beneath. Tirelessly investigating the most brutal crimes, his unconventional methods yield astonishing results. Armed with massive quantities of potent coffee, Dooley discovers guilt in unexpected places, extracting confessions from the least likely suspects through the use of guile and a special telltale itch, and doing his part to clean up the town while bedding a bewildering variety of voracious females. An all-out mob war puts Dooley in the epicenter of the action. Will he succeed in getting the syndicate’s secret Big Boss? Or will this elusive ruler get him? Or both? Hank Dooley: The Life and Love of a Big-City Cop delivers what you’ve always dreamed about police work-in your worst nightmares.