Robert Jeschonek is an award-winning writer whose fiction, comics, essays, articles, and podcasts have been published around the world. His books about Johnstown, Pennsylvania include the fictional tales CHRISTMAS AT GLOSSER’S and EASTER AT GLOSSER’S and the non-fiction histories LONG LIVE GLOSSER’S and PENN TRAFFIC FOREVER. His young adult fantasy novel, MY FAVORITE BAND DOES NOT EXIST, won the Forward National Literature Award and was named one of BOOKLIST’s Top Ten First Novels for Youth. His cross-genre science fiction thriller, DAY 9, is an International Book Award winner. He also won the Scribe Award for Best Original Novel from the International Association of Media Tie-in Writers for his alternate history, TANNHÄUSER: RISING SUN, FALLING SHADOWS. Simon & Schuster, DAW/Penguin Books, and DC Comics have published his work. He won the grand prize in Pocket Books’ nationwide Strange New Worlds contest and was nominated for the British Fantasy Award. Visit him online at You can also find him on Facebook and follow him as @TheFictioneer on Twitter.