Perfect for fans of The 100 and the Divergent Series. This Epic Fantasy series begins with one woman’s haunted dreams of a forgotten past, spiraling into a gripping story of courage, perseverance, and unconditional love.
A forgotten childhood, a shattered past, and a secret malicious undertaking - a destiny lies in waiting, but will Malkia make the hero’s choice? The nearly extinct Esakian civilization has only known nine years of peace since the sky battles ended. Now, Malkia and her tight-knit community face a new and mysterious threat. Except these savages are gliding toward them by land, with strength, speed, and unknown sorcery, creating a mayhem of panic among the masses. To avoid the impending danger, Malkia convinces her people to abandon their homes and travel across their deserted moon to find safety once again. Carving their way through old cities and overgrown vegetation, they collide with the mystical creatures from ancient tales, dance along the path of uncertain death, and receive a startling reminder they were never alone in the universe. With Malkia’s fractured memories mending, she must choose a path to protect her loved ones. Kneel into weaponized servitude or abolish those who seek dominance.