"A Dangerous Truth" is the second novel in the "Operation Mind Crime Series." The story of love and loss continues as the Stewart family navigates their way through the trials created while the country endured a war that left them in a state of shock.
"A Dangerous Truth" picks up where "The War Within "left off. Kathleen Stewart is just getting used to the idea of life without Logan. She has finally decided to set aside the past and make a new start when the past returns with a vengeance. Kathleen now faces the decision of whether to continue moving into the future or turning back the hands of time. Now Kathleen stands to look at her reflection in the mirror questioning everything she lived through to the point she currently exists. She finally has the opportunity, to experience her family as hoped for the many years of Logan’s absence and is determined to revisit the life mourned for so long. However, she soon learns that she can never really go back. The past is no longer an option, and Kathleen must make a decision that will affect not only her life but the life of those around her.