CEO - SPEAKER - PR & TRAVEL CONSULTANT - RADIO HOST - BESTSELLING AUTHOR Stevii Aisha Mills embraces a culture where fun is not just a niche, it is a necessity! Stevii is a native of Greensboro, NC and a proud graduate of North Carolina A&T State University, where Aggie Pride reigns. Her formal education consists of a BA in Public Relations and a MS in Human Resources, however Stevii’s real life experiences have made her a well-known social media influencer and gained her the title "The Chief IT Factor Cultivator"! A woman unashamed to incorporate tons of fun into her life and business, all the while declaring, "I love my life!" has made Stevii a highly sought out speaker and consultant. Stevii is a true CEO - founder of the B.E.A.U.T.Y. From Head to Toe Tour and the B.E.A.U.T.Y. Queen Society and her anchor company "Just Stevii." She is also the host of "The Conversation with Stevii" on iHeart Radio and the Visionary author of the bestselling book "Cultivating Your IT Factor..." Her entrepreneurial spirit shines brightly when she combines various ventures, such as; the marriage of her travel company and conferences & retreats. Stevii is a wiz at combining and co-mingling various resources and people to create a total life change for all. As a distinguished Toastmaster, Stevii moves an audience to action as she speaks clarity to their minds and stirs passions in their hearts. Stevii is most often called upon to speak on topics of self-esteem, team building, success with public relations and living a healthy and fun-filled life style. As a representative of Total Life Changes(R) and World Ventures(R), coupled with a degree in Public relations, Stevii speaks knowledgeably in each of these topics. Stevii Aisha Mills is a woman on a mission to increase joy and clarity to world - one conversation, one vacation, and one experience at a time. Everyone can rock their IT FACTOR with Stevii in the room! I’m here to help you ROCK Your It Factor in an awesome, dynamic way!