Sasha Davies is a cook, writer, and the author of the Imperfect Guides for Everyday Things Series including titles "Menopause: an imperfect guide" and "How to Make Salads You Want to Eat". You can read more of her writing and about Imperfect Guides on her website Formerly an administrative assistant, a project manager, a cheesemonger, and the owner and chef of Cyril’s at Clay Pigeon Winery-a tasting room & wine bar in Portland Oregon-Sasha has been writing books and articles about food and our relationship to it since 2005. Her work has appeared in Culture Cheese Magazine, Mix Magazine, and Diner Journal. In 2010 Timber Press published her first book "The Guide to West Coast Cheese", and in 2012 Quarry Books published her second book "The Cheesemaker’s Apprentice". Originally from Northern California, she currently lives in Los Angeles.