Leokadia Oręziak, Ph.D., is a Full Professor of Economics and Finance, Head of the Department of International Finance at the World Economy Collegium, SGH-Warsaw School of Economics, and the author of numerous scientific publications in the field of pension systems, public finance, and European integration. Her book OFE - katastrofa prywatyzacji emerytur w Polsce (OFE - the Disaster of Privatization of Pensions in Poland) won the Economicus competition for the best Polish book of 2014 in the field of economics. She was a consultant to the Polish Parliament (Sejm) on bills regarding changes to the pension system. As a member of the Presidential Advisory Commission on the Pension System (in 2014-2015), she developed, in cooperation with CENDA (Santiago de Chile), a proposal on rebuilding the public PAYG pension system in Chile.