Surya Monro is a Professor in Sociology and Social Policy based at Loughborough University, UK. Surya has published substantially in the fields of gender, sex and sexuality, notably on LGBT and on Intersex issues. She is the author of Gender Politics: Citizenship, Activism, and Sexual Diversity (2005) and co-editor of Queer in Africa (2018).
Adeline Berry is a transgender and intersex research fellow at the University of Huddersfield. Their PhD research focuses on the life experiences and needs of older European intersex people. Their research interests include mental health, healthcare, gender, sex, sex work and epistemic injustice.
Morgan Carpenter is an Associate Professor of Practice at Sydney Health Ethics in the University of Sydney School of Public Health. His doctorate focused on epistemic injustice and the human rights and health of people with innate variations of sex characteristics.
Daniela Crocetti is a Research Fellow in medical anthropology at Bar-Ilan University. Their research has addressed the social history of the gendered body, genetic testing, rights mobilization in medical contexts, intersex rights, and parenting journeys.
Sean Saifa Wall (he/him/his) is a Black queer intersex activist and rising scholar. Since graduating from Williams, he has worked on many research projects that amplify the voices of queer, transgender and people of colour communities. Saifa was a Marie Sklowdoska-Curie fellow on the INIA project and received his PhD from the University of Huddersfield in April 2024.