Hyesun Cho (Ph.D. University of Hawai’i at Mānoa) is Associate Professor of TESOL in the Department of Curriculum and Teaching at the University of Kansas, USA. In addition to working with undergraduate and graduate students in education, Hyesun directs a faculty-led summer study abroad program in Korea where student teachers teach English in the Korean secondary classroom. Her research interests include heritage language education, critical literacy, social identity, and teacher education for social justice. Her work has appeared in Race, Ethnicity and Education; Critical Inquiry in Language Studies; Language and Education; Curriculum Inquiry; and Teaching and Teacher Education. Her research monograph (with R. Al-Samiri and J. Gao) on transnational graduate students in US TESOL programs was published by Routledge in 2022.
Kwangok Song (Ph.D. The University of Texas at Austin) is Associate Professor of Literacy Education in the Department of Curriculum and Teaching at the University of Kansas, USA. Kwangok’s research concerns sociocultural factors and sociocognitive aspects of literacy and learning. Particularly, her research addresses the intersection of language, literacy, and learning to explore biliteracy practices and the impact of language ideologies on literacy practices within the multilingual immigrant communities. Her recent work appeared in the Journal of Early ChildhoodLiteracy, Language Arts, Bilingual Research Journal, International Journal of BilingualEducation and Bilingualism, Theory into Practice, and Educational Research Review.