Roshan L. Aggarwal retired from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) effective April 1, 2016 after 51 years of service. He is currently working as Part-Time Flexible Technical Staff in Group 81 Chemical, Microsystem, and Nanoscale Technologies at MIT Lincoln Laboratory. Previously, he was Technical Staff at MIT Lincoln Laboratory for 30 years (1986-2016), Senior Research Scientist, MIT Physics Department for 12 years (1975-1987), Associate Director, MIT Francis Bitter National Magnet Laboratory for 7 years (1977-1984), and Technical Staff, MIT Francis Bitter National Magnet Laboratory for 12 years (1965-1977). Dr. Aggarwal is a Fellow of the American Physical Society, a Senior Member of the Optical Society of America, a Fellow of the Punjab Academy of Sciences, and a Recipient of the Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award.
Anant K. Ramdas retired as the Lark-Horovitz Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Physics in 2016 after 60 years of service at Purdue University. He received his Ph. D. in Physics from Poona University, India in 1956; his thesis advisor was Prof. C. V. Raman. Professor Ramdas is a Recipient of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Senior U. S. Scientist Award, Recipient of the Raman Centenary Medal of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Frank Isakson Prize of the American Physical Society, Sigma Xi Faculty Research Award, Ruth and Joel Spira Award for excellence in undergraduate teaching, and Herbert Newby McCoy Award of Purdue University. Prof. Ramdas is a Fellow of the American Physical Society, Fellow of the Optical Society of America, Fellow of the American Vacuum Society, Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and Fellow of the Indian Academy of Sciences.