Chiara Fonio is Research Associate at the Vrije Universiteit (VU, Amsterdam), Faculty of Social Sciences, Organization Sciences. She has been working in Academia and European Institutions (Joint Research Centre, European Commission, where the work on the Trial Guidance Methodology was designed and developed). She has extensive experience in European funded projects and authored a number of publications on crisis management and surveillance (inter alia, Big Data, Surveillance and Crisis Management, co-edited with Kees Boersma, 2017). Her research interests cover disaster governance, crisis management and surveillance studies.
Adam Widera is the managing director of the Competence Center for Crisis Management at the European Research Center for Information Systems (ERCIS) hosted by the University of Münster, Germany. After graduating in political science, philosophy and political economy, he pursued his doctorate in information systems. His research areas cover modelling, simulation and performance measurement in humanitarian and disaster relief logistics as well as design and evaluation of information systems for humanitarians. He has published over 50 research papers in international journals and conferences and has been involved in various international research projects.
Tomasz Zwęgliński is Colonel of the Polish State Fire Service working as an academic at the Main School of Fire Service in Warsaw with above 20 years of experience. PhD in Security Sciences preceded by Master of Fire Engineering. A qualified expert in the Union Civil Protection Mechanism. Expertise in crisis and disaster management, CBRN and occupational safety. Manager of research and international civil protection capacity building projects (e.g. in Ukraine). Key research interest focuses on evaluation of disaster management exercises including new solutions. EU Research Executive Agency expert. His recent publications include Exercising in a Radioactive Environment-a Case Study from CBRNE Exercise in Chernobyl Exclusion Zone (2019), Cascading Effect as a Contemporary Challenge for Crisis Management (2020), Polish Approach to Sharing Resources Deployable for the EU Civil Protection Mechanism (2021).