1. Zoltan Bartha holds a Master’s degree in business economics, and got his PhD at the University of Miskolc in Management and Organisation sciences in 2006. He has worked at the University of Miskolc since 2003, where he is the head of the Institute of Economic Theory and Methodology. He is the member of the Scientific Committee on Futures Research of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. His current academic position at the University of Miskolc is Associate Professor, where he teaches Economic Policy, Institutional Economics, Economics and Economic Theory. He is experienced in macroeconomic modelling, and has many publication related to the entrepreneurial ecosystem. Zoltan is the project manager of LIMBRA.
2. Tekla Szép is an Associate Professor and Deputy Director of the Institute of World and Regional Economics, Faculty of Economics, University of Miskolc. Currently, besides her other preoccupations, she is an institutional EIT KIC Raw Materials Coordinator and member of the EIT KIC RM Steering Committee. She is an economist and her research interests are focused on environmental and energy economics with special emphasis given to the circular economy, industry 4.0, energy policy, energy transition, energy efficiency and energy poverty. In addition to her work, she has also directed a variety of national and international EU funded projects. She has vast experience in proposal writing, project management and evaluation, policy monitoring. Tekla has been cooperating with consortium partners and colleagues from different European universities, companies, national and international organizations, governments. She holds a PhD in Management and Business Administration.
3. Katalin Lipták graduated in Economist at the University of Miskolc, Faculty of Economics in 2008 and she graduated in Law at the University of Miskolc, Faculty of Law in 2015. She defended her Ph.D. dissertation in 2013. Katalin is an associate professor of University of Miskolc, Faculty of Economics and head of department of Labour Market and Employment Policy. She is editorial board member of the Eastern European Business and Economics Journal. She is editor-in-chief of Socialis Series in Social Science journal.
4. Dora Szendi is an Assistant Professor of the Institute of World and Regional Economics, University of Miskolc. Since 2016 besides that, she is the secretary of the Hantos Elemér Doctoral School of Business, Management and Regional Sciences. She is an economists and her main research field is regional sciences, the analysis of territorial inequalities with special regards on peripheral regions in Central Eastern Europe. She holds a PhD also in this research topic. Besides that, she has experiences in project works; like contribution to spatial development strategies, membership in EU founded projects. She has knowledge in several statistical and spatial econometric tools.