Onni Hirvonen is Senior Researcher in philosophy in the Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy at the University of Jyväskylä. His main interests are in Hegelian philosophies of recognition and contemporary social ontology. His recent publications in these areas include the peer-reviewed articles "Recognition and Civic Selection" (2021), "The Problem of the First Belief: Group Agents and Responsibility" (2020), and "Recognitive Arguments for Workplace Democracy" (with Keith Breen, 2020). He has edited a book on the philosophy and politics of recognition in Finnish (2020).
Heikki J. Koskinen is a PhD and a docent of theoretical philosophy. He works as a Senior Advisor at the University of Helsinki, Finland. Koskinen is the author of From a Metaphilosophical Point of View: A Study of W. V. Quine’s Naturalism (2004). He has co-edited several books including Categories of Being: Essays on Metaphysics and Logic (2012) and Recognition and Religion: Contemporary and Historical Perspectives (Routledge, 2019). Koskinen’s recent journal publications include "Antecedent Recognition: Some Problematic Educational Implications of the Very Notion" (2018), "Mediational Recognition and Metaphysical Power: A Systematic Analysis" (2020), and "Recognition, Identity, and Authenticity in the Blues" (2021).