R.P. Pant, Chief Editor; Engaged as Emeritus Scientist at CSIR-National Physical Laboratory and honorary professor AcSIR, New Delhi, India. He has 35 years of research experience in the area of ferrofluids materials. He is the president of Indian Society of Magnetic Fluids and member ISC. Project leader for ISO magnetic nanosuspensions technical document (ISO 19807-1) development. He has 10 patents and has published nearly 200 research papers.
Vidya Nand Singh obtained his MSc from Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India, specializing in Solid State Physics, and M.Tech in Solid State Materials from IIT Delhi, India. He obtained his Ph.D. from IIT Delhi in the area of nanocomposite based gas sensors. He is working as a senior scientist at CSIR-National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi. His research interest includes gas sensors, solar cells, photodetectors, nanomaterials, and HRTEM. He has published nearly 220 papers in international journals. He has several book chapters and has edited two books and editorial board for SCI journals.
Komal Jain has obtained PhD from CSIR-National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi in the area of ferrofluids and its composites. He specializes in magnetic materials characterization for spin dynamics and domain movements.
Arvind Gautam is a working Senior Scientist in the division of Bharatiya Nirdeshak Dravya of CSIR-National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi. He has more than 14 years of experience in the area of polymer, petroleum and chemical sciences.