Mary B. McVee is a Professor of Literacy Education, and Director of the Center for Literacy & Reading Instruction (CLaRI) at the University at Buffalo, USA. Her research explores racialized positioning in teacher narratives. Her current research with teachers and multilingual children explores positioning and multimodal interactions in the context of engineering design.
Luk Van Langenhove is Emeritus professor at the Brussels School of Governance of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel in Belgium and Honorary Professorial Fellow at the University of Warwick, UK. He has published widely on regional integration, social sciences theory, positioning theory and psychology.
Cynthia Brock is a Professor at the University of Wyoming where she holds the Wyoming Excellence in Higher Education Endowed Chair in Literacy Education. Brock’s scholarly research agenda centers on studying the literacy learning opportunities of elementary children from diverse backgrounds and the pre- and in-service teachers with whom they work.
Bo Allesøe Christensen is associate professor and co-director of the Center for Cultural Psychology at Aalborg University, Denmark. His research interest explores and develops the theoretical and methodological background of positioning theory within 20th century linguistic philosophy and microsociology.