Gábor Csikós (1985): Psychologist and Historian (PhD). Senior lecturer at Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary Psychology Institute and research fellow at the Institute of History. His main research interest is the impact of historical traumas on mental health.
Gergely Krisztián Horváth (1974): Sociologist and Historian (PhD, habil) Senior research fellow at the Institute of History and head of the research in MTA Lendület 10 Generations Research Group. He focuses on long-term trends in social development. His latest book: Wiens Anziehung (2022)
József Ö. Kovács (1960): Historian (DsC): Professor at PPKE and Scientific Director of the NAH. His main research interest is the Social History of Hungary in the 19th and 20th Centuries. His latest monograph - A paraszti társadalom felszámolása - was published in 2012.