Moving past the conflation of state socialism with all socialist projects, this book opens up avenues for addressing socialist projects rooted in decolonial and antiracist politics. To that end, this anthology brings together scholarship across regions that engages postsocialism as an analytic that connects the ’afters’ of the capitalist- socialist dynamic to present day politics. Resisting the revolutionary teleology of what was before, "postsocialism" can function to create space to work through ongoing legacies of socialisms in the present.
Looking at the Middle East, Scandanavia, Korea, Romania, China, and the US, the chapters in this book assess ongoing socialist legacies in new ethical collectivities and networks of dissent opposing state- and corporate- based military, economic, and cultural expansionism since the end of the Cold War.
The majority of the chapters in this book were originally published as a special issue of the journal, Social Identities.