This handbook explores two guiding questions - how can university-community partnerships in planning education work, and how can they be transformative? University-community partnerships - often referred to as service-learning or community-engaged teaching and learning - are traditionally based on a collaborative relationship between an academic partner and a community-based partner, in which students from the academic partner work within the community on a project. Transformational approaches to university-community partnerships are approaches that develop and sustain mutually beneficial collaborations where knowledge is co-created and new ways of knowing and doing are discovered.
This edited volume examines a variety of university-community partnerships in planning education, from a number of different perspectives, with a focus on transformative models. The authors explore broader theoretical issues, including topics relating to pedagogy, planning theory, and curriculum; along with more practical topics relating to best practices, logistics, institutional support, outcome measures, and the various forms these partnerships can take - all through an array of case studies. The authors, which include academics, professional practitioners, academic practitioners, and students, bring an incredible depth and breadth of knowledge and experience from across the globe - Australia, Canada, Chile, Europe (including Germany, Spain, Slovakia, and Sweden), India, Jamaica, South Korea, and the United States.