Prof. C.H. Chen received his Ph. D in electrical engineering from Purdue University West Lafayette, Indiana, in 1965, his MSEE from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, in 1962, and his BSEE from the National Taiwan University, Taipei in 1959. He is currently the chancellor professor emeritus of electrical and computer engineering at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, where he has been a faculty member since 1968. His research areas encompass statistical pattern recognition and signal/image processing with applications to remote sensing, medical imaging, geophysical, underwater acoustics, and nondestructive testing problems, as well as computer vision for video surveillance, time-series analysis, and neural networks. He has edited and authored 37 books in his areas of research, including Digital Waveform Processing and Recognition (CRC Press 1982), Signal and Image Processing for Remote Sensing (CRC Press, first edition 2006, second edition 2012), and Compressive Sensing of Earth Observations (CRC Press 2017). He served as associate editor of the IEEETransactions on Acoustic, Speech, and SignalProcessing for 4 years, associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and RemoteSensing for 15 years, and since 2008 he has been a board member/associate editor of Pattern Recognition particularly on remote sensing topics. Dr. Chen has been a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) since 1988, a Life Fellow of the IEEE since 2003, and a Fellow of the International Association of Pattern Recognition (IAPR) since 1996. He is also the editor of the book series entitled Signal and Image Processing of Earth Observations, for CRC Press.